Combining the isotopic dilution ( ID) method with the on-line fractionation correction method, the rhenium content can be determined accurately at sub-nanogram level using the normal solution n. 溶液中加入铱元素进行铼同位素的质量分馏校正,在常规的溶液雾化进样条件下,采用同位素稀释法可准确测定纳克级的铼含量。
And then the normal adjusting solution algorithm was brought forward. Finally, through an example the method is shown that it has the practical engineering application capability. 结合实例说明了该算法完全具有实际工程应用能力,且该法向调整算法还可以推广应用于定位、调姿等飞机数字化制造及装配工作中。
A while ago, I was working on a project which started as a normal dialog-based solution. 前一段时间我做了一个项目,最初使用普通的基于对话框的解决方案。
The normal solution of a match moved one day later to the Sunday when a team is in Thursday Uefa Cup action is not open on this occasion due to Chelsea's Tuesday Levski game. 在切尔西星期二对索非亚的情况下,周四有联盟杯比赛的球队这时候可能没有时间,通常的解决办法是把比赛推迟一天到周日。
Based on the Wave Equation it is derived the propagation model of a moving source, then extended the result to the normal mode solution which is proper for computer implementation. 从声传播的基础波动方程入手,推导了波导中运动点声源的声传播模型,并将推导结果发展为适用于计算机数值实现的简正波形式。
Besides proposing the normal solution method, the control method using chlorite was investigated in detail. 在提出通常解决方法的基础上,着重探讨了采用亚氯酸盐控制滤池亚硝化现象的工艺。
Control group was given equal normal saline solution. 对照组仅给与等量的盐水乙醇溶液。
This paper describes the aberration and distortion of e-beam deflection magnetic field in which the parameters keep close to in the normal solution. 以电子束偏转磁场的像差和畸变为目标,对参量进行非劣解中找出贴近理想的最优解。
But it's not a much appropriate model on one-dimensional systems because of infrared divergences when many-body pertebation theory is used, thus this normal solution failed. 对于一维电子系统来说费米液体理论也不是一个好的模型,因为当应用多体微扰讨论时有红外发散,使这种最常用的方法失效了。
The running result shows that solution is simpler and arithmetic speed is faster than normal solution introduced by any text books of "higher mathematics", so the practical significance is great. 该软件实际运行的结果证明,这种求解方法比任何一本《高等数学》教材介绍的通常的求解方法要简单得多、运算速度要快得多,因而具有很大的现实意义。
In article [ 3], the author discussed the normal solution of the Boltzmann equation for small knudsen number with a kind of singular perturbation method. 在文章[3]中,作者用奇异扰动解法讨论了具有小knudsen数的Boltzmann方程的正规解。
In this paper, we use a kind of singular perturbation method to find the normal solution of the Boltzmann equation with small Knudsen number. It is proved that the secular terms may be removed by improving the Hilbert expansion and Enskog expansion. 本文用奇异扰动方法讨论了具有小Knudsen数的Boltzmann方程的正规解,证明把Hil-bert展开和Enskog展开加以改进可以消除久期项。
0.2 ml of 3% formalin was injected subcutaneously into one front paw in group A with equal normal solution in group B.The behavior changes of the rabbits were observed and recorded. A组在一侧前肢趾部皮下注射3%福尔马林溶液0.2ml,B组用等量生理盐水,观察并记录动物的行为反应。
Realized sort and pick-up for basic information of element for vectorgraph, can do intelligent estimate and assess for pick-up information and normal solution. 实现了对矢量图形图元素信息的分类和提取,能够对所提取的的信息与标准答案进行智能判断与评定。
The normal salt solution was filled up in the control and infected groups and the drug MSD in relevant concentration in the other 2 groups, 1 time per day, each time with 0.4ml, and lasted for 8 days. 正常对照组、感染模型组灌胃给生理盐水,其它各组灌胃给相应浓度的药物,1次/d,0.4ml/次,连续8d。
The measured values are reasonably agreed with those calculated by Prausnitz-Shair method based on the normal solution theory. 实验结果与基于正规溶液理论的PS法估算值比较符合。
Control group, rabbits were injected with normal saline solution after injection of ACM. 对照组,注入ACM+生理盐水。
On the Equivalence of Several Propositions in Normal Solution Operators 关于正规能解算子几个命题的等价性
Aim To study the distributive character of mitomycin ( MMC) magnetic nanoparticles and MMC normal saline solution in mice. 目的研究丝裂霉素C-磁性纳米球胶体溶液剂和丝裂霉素C生理盐水溶液中丝裂霉素C(MMC)在小鼠体内的分布。
The donor ′ s kidney was cold stored in 4 ℃ normal Ringer solution for 10 hours, and then the implantation was performed in group C; 单纯冷藏组(C组):供体肾脏摘除后,在4℃温度下置于普通Ringersolution中保存10h后进行肾移植;
Results: In the isolated perfused rat heart with a normal solution, TFC prolonged the P R period of electrocardiogram and decreased the heart rate and rose the amplitude of cardiac contraction markedly. 结果:TFC使正常灌流的大鼠离体心脏心电图的P-R间期延长,心率减慢,心肌收缩力增强;
The solution to this problem is selecting a certain amount of steel manually from the stock to meet the production needs. However, this normal solution causes excess material wasted after cutting and raises the cost of shipbuilding. 目前解决这种现象的方法是人工从库存中选取一定数量的钢板来满足实际生产的需要,但是这样会造成库存钢板在切割后有大量余料被浪费掉,无形中提高了造船生产成本。
Many researches indicate that the existence of redundant and noisy data greatly constrain the efficiency and effective of classification. The normal solution to this problem is feature selection or feature extraction. 研究表明大部分数据集中存在的冗余和噪音数据严重影响了分类的效果,一般采取的方法是属性选择或属性提取。
Under hydroponic growth condition, either with supply of normal nutrient solution or with P deficient solution, the mutant showed reduced total length, volume, surface area and number of root tips. 在水培条件下,无论是缺磷或正常供应磷处理,OsA8突变体水稻根系的总根长、总体积以及表面积和根尖数都较野生型植株的小。
Exogenous proline also increased the content of non-enzymatic antioxidants such as ASA and GSH under salt stress and normal nutrient solution culture. 外源脯氨酸还提高了盐胁迫和正常营养液培养下非酶促抗氧化物质ASA和GSH的含量。
The closed-form of the normal solution of the institution has been studied and a closed-form of the reverse solution has been educed* ( 4) Several of the mechanical dynamic analysis method was introduced. 对设计出来的并联机构进行运动学建模分析,研究了该机构的正解的封闭解形式,得出了反解的封闭形式。